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Storage Box for Fabric/en の変更点

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|~Mod name|Storage Box for Fabric|
|~Original Author|Unyuho (Forge)|
|~Distribution|[[CurseForge>]], [[Modrinth>]]|
|~Mod loader|FabricMC|
|~Required mods|Fabric API|
|~Optional mods|Simple Backpack [FABRIC]|
|~MC Version|1.15.2~1.20.4|
|~MC Version|1.15.2~1.21.1|




* Contents [#ifa16291]

* Overview [#ye88940d]
This is the Fabric version of StorageBox.
StorageBox is a popular Japanese-made mod that has been developed by various developers since Unyuho created it for Minecraft 1.2.5.
It's a convenient item that allows you to carry almost unlimited amounts of one type of item that you set.
Although it's said to be almost infinite, it's strictly up to 2,147,483,647 (200 million).
When you put blocks in it, you can place them as blocks, and when you put food in it, you can eat it as food.
However, items with durability or items with enchantments cannot be stored.

#accordion(Update History,2){{
- 1.2 Series (1.2.0 to 1.2.9)
-- useOnBlock support
-- NBT support
-- Added AutoCollect recipe
-- Compatibility with 1.15.2
-- Fixed compatibility issues with Shulker Box and Simple Backpack
-- Fixed an issue where AutoCollect couldn't be toggled in versions 1.17.1 and below
-- Fixed rendering of colored items
-- Fixed a bug where duplication could occur in the GUI


* Recipe [#y2e6dee1]
|~Storage Box|BGCOLOR(#C6C6C6):#img(|8 Chests|A box that can store almost infinite amounts of one item|

* Usage [#f330219b]
** Setting Items [#w0a5c4ba]
1. Right-click with the StorageBox to open the storage box GUI.
2. Place the item you want to store in the top-left slot.


** Controls [#z19f5607]
The controls can be customized, but here are the default keys:

: Insert items | : (Colon)

: Take out one stack & bulk storage to the container | Shift + :

: Drop one stack of items | Ctrl + Shift + :

: Toggle auto collection on/off | Ctrl + :

** Configuration (config/storagebox.json) [#ycbccfdf]
The configuration for this mod can be modified from "config/storagebox.json".

|~Configuration Name|~Default|~Example|~Notes|h
|~DefaultAutoCollect|true|true/false|Enables Auto-Collect feature by default|
|~SupportEnderChest|true|true/false|Detects Ender Chests (collected during Auto-Collect)|
|~SupportSimpleBackpack|true|true/false|Detects backpacks added by Simple Backpack [FABRIC]|
|~SupportShulkerBox|true|true/false|Detects storage boxes inside Shulker Boxes in the inventory|

* Recent links [#q805cbd8]
** Other versions [#c05f090f]
- Forge 1.16.4 to 1.20.2 (by scalar001): [[]]
- Forge 1.13.2 to 1.16.3 (by scalar001): [[]]
- Forge 1.4.7 to 1.12.2 Bulk destruction MOD + web archive link collection (by scalar001): [[]]
- Forge 1.2.5 to 1.3.2 (by Unyuho): [[]]
- Forge 1.7.10 Modified (by ogasakura): [[]]
- Forge 1.2.5 Modified Discontinued (by takanasayo): [[]]

* Comments [#u0144694]
If the page has an editing mistake or don't know how to use it, please write it here. (Impressions OK)

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